Dvadasi - Madhava Masa, Gaurabda 528
Hare Krishna! Welcome to Volume 1, Issue 4 of the IDVM Newsletter.
Hare Krishna! Welcome to Volume 1, Issue 4 of the IDVM Newsletter.
In this Issue:
- Global Cow-Protecton Campaign Launched !
- Applying Varnasrama
- Treatment of Various disease conditions of Cattle using Homeopathy
- Deviation from Traditional Occupations leads to Ugra Karma and Varna Sankara
Global Cow-Protection Campaign Launched !
- By HG Rama Lakshman Das
On 1st January 2015, which marked not just the beginning of new year but also the auspiciousness of Vaikuntha Ekadasi, IDVM Minister, His Holiness Bhakti Raghava Swami kicked off his 12-year (2015-2027) global campaign invoking “global auspiciousness” centered on Surabhi Cow, our Universal Mother, aptly named OM (our mother) Sri Surabhi campaign at Hyderabad, India.Read more
Applying Varnasrama
- By HG Hari Kirtan Das
It implies that this world is designed to be a struggle and liberation means creating a situation where we need not artificially struggle for existence, but become reinstated in our constitutional position of eternal servant to Lord Krishna.
Paradoxically instead of utilizing the higher intelligence bestowed upon the human form to eradicate struggling, plans in the name of development are made, which only aggravate our degree of struggle.
These pictures demonstrate the early morning struggle of “advanced” people, to reach their places of work.
If we closely observe animals and birds, we note they don’t take the same trouble and anxiety as humans do to meet their daily needs.

Mr. SrinivasaRao, though from a remote village in Andhra Pradesh, was one among this crowd, struggling in cities for job opportunities, only five years ago.
He spent a couple of years struggling to meet his needs, with some small jobs here and there, but failed in his endeavours.
Later he was introduced to devotees and soon took up Krishna consciousness. Influenced by the concept of “simple living and high thinking” he took a wise decision to return to his own home village. Once back in his village he was, again forced to struggle for a year and half, but unlike his city experience, he found his livelihood in agriculture and small business within the village.
Now with less anxiety in family maintenance due to “simple living” he finds himself better situated to practice “higher thinking” with ample time for devotional service.
I do hope this example set by Mr. SrinivasaRao, inspires other struggling city dwellers, like MrRao, into returning to their home villages, accepting it to be a better environment for the practice of Krishna consciousness.
IDVM’s program of “Adopting a village”, with the aim of providing a stronger oppurtunity for spirtual growth, enthusiasticly encourages all city dwellers, to return to their village roots, by offering all possible supports.
For further information please feel free to contact bhakti.raghava.swami@pamho.net,hari.kirtan@pamho.net
Treatment of Various disease conditions of Cattle using Homeopathy
- By Dr. Sree Kumar
It is interesting to note that the idea of homeopathy being applied to animals, founded by Dr. Hahnemann(Founder of Vetinery Homeopathic System of Medicine), just as it was to people and infact more effectively, grew form when he suggested that veterinarians were more observant of their patients than most doctors.
Homoeopathy is now becoming a popular alternative to conventional medicines, in animals as well as people. In some countries formal training courses are even offered to individuals and physicians.
According to a survey done by The World Health Org in conjunction with The Food and Agriculture Organization in the year 2000, 85% of animals in developing countries were given alternative therapies for their ailments, the main alternative being Homoeopathy and Ayurvedic treatments. (A Scientific Clinical Research: Veterinary Homoeopathy. B.P. Madrewar; Bjain 2006)
All animal owners in both developing and underdeveloped countries desire a cheaper, ecofriendly, and scientifically proven alternative animal health care approach, as an initial therapy, at least.
Have a look at what the Veterinarians oath has to say;
No where in the oath does it state that they will practice only Allopathic Systems of medicine.
They must ethically expand their knowledge and skills to include alternative methods in keeping with their oath. We have tried and the results are listed below
Diseases Treated with Homeopathic medicines alone
Treatment of FMD Cows in Gokulamgoshala, Vengad,GuruvayoorDevasvom,Kerala
There was an FMD outbreak on the Gokulamgoshala , starting from 1/01/2013
• All the mulch animals returned to normal lactation in 10 days. Surpisingly there was an increase in yield in certain cows.
• Excepting a 15 day old calf there was no death reported among the infected animals.
• In a month’s time all animals returned to normal.
• Hair coat of the animals after recovery were surprisingly glossy.
• During the recent outbreak in Kerala none of the animals in Gokulam were infected.
Advantages of using Homeopathy
This short article is to inform all, either keeping or treating cows, that Homeopathy is a system of medicine that cures, in a more Humane way, various animal ailments.
Other diseases mentioned above have also been successfully cured, with the lords grace and with Homeopathy!
Deviation from Traditional Occupations leads to Ugra Karma and Varna Sankara :
- By HG Srinatha Das
When we deviate for traditional occupations, as we have done so on a massive scale since the days of the Industrial Revolutionin Europe some 200 years ago, we open the doors to all types of disorders and irregularities both intimately connected with ugra karma and Varna-sankara. Such nasty, dehumanizing work we especially find in factory work and in the externally attractive allurements of computer software occupations. Both lead to all types of social anomalies and unregulated life style. Such non-traditional occupations are the root cause of increasing stress, strokes and heart attacks among a population of relatively young people, a phenomenon not seen before.
For the vast majority of householders, including ISKCON householders not engaged in Frontline preaching in our cities, agriculture related activities are meant to be the norm where one is intimately connected with nature, the land , cows and living based on principles of self sufficiency and sustainability . These are all clearly explained in the instructions given by Narada Muni (SB 7:11-15 chapters)
Golden Rules to Follow:
Produce only what you need and use only what you produce
Agriculture , not industry is meant to be the norm for society.
An agrarian lifestyle , not an urban lifestyle, is meant to be the norm and standard for the vast majority of citizens, including devotees.
Education is not everyone’s right, it is a privilege accorded to those who qualify and are deserving.
Ref : –Towards A Global Varnasrama Culture-Chapter-3-Killing the higher principles of Life – Page No- 55
- By Dr. Sree Kumar
It is interesting to note that the idea of homeopathy being applied to animals, founded by Dr. Hahnemann(Founder of Vetinery Homeopathic System of Medicine), just as it was to people and infact more effectively, grew form when he suggested that veterinarians were more observant of their patients than most doctors.
Homoeopathy is now becoming a popular alternative to conventional medicines, in animals as well as people. In some countries formal training courses are even offered to individuals and physicians.
According to a survey done by The World Health Org in conjunction with The Food and Agriculture Organization in the year 2000, 85% of animals in developing countries were given alternative therapies for their ailments, the main alternative being Homoeopathy and Ayurvedic treatments. (A Scientific Clinical Research: Veterinary Homoeopathy. B.P. Madrewar; Bjain 2006)
All animal owners in both developing and underdeveloped countries desire a cheaper, ecofriendly, and scientifically proven alternative animal health care approach, as an initial therapy, at least.
- To find and provide a cost effective alternative treatment for dairy farmers.
- Organic clean milk production, Organic Milk production Standards
- Organic livestock management aims to utilize natural breeding methods, stress minimization methodologies to prevent disease and thus eliminate dependency on chemical allopathic drugs to maintain animal welfare.
- Most herbal, naturopathic and homeopathic treatments are approved for use in organic dairy herds. Use of antibiotics and parasiticides are strongly discouraged but may be used on a limited bases under certain allowed and/or restricted circumstances (CAN/CGSB 32.311 - PSL Section 5.3). It is advisable to develop a natural herd treatment program, in consultation with a veterinarian or herd health consultant.
Veterinarians Oath
Many Veterinarians argue that it is against Ethics to treat Cows using Homeopathy stating that it is neither Scientific nor in the Syllabus. They should understand through having passed Veterinary college, they are not Spokesmen for or against any system of medicine and their only obligation is the welfare of animals.Have a look at what the Veterinarians oath has to say;
- Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health, the relief of animal suffering, the conservation of livestock resources, the promotion of public health and the advancement of medical knowledge.
- I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics.
- I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of my professional knowledge and competence.
No where in the oath does it state that they will practice only Allopathic Systems of medicine.
They must ethically expand their knowledge and skills to include alternative methods in keeping with their oath. We have tried and the results are listed below
Diseases Treated with Homeopathic medicines alone
- Mastitis-Inflammatory condition of Udder
- Endometritis –Inflammatory condition of Uterus
- Retention of placenta- Inflammatory condition of Uterus
- Infertility-Not becoming pregnant
- Babesiosis –Blood protozoan disease where in you see blood in urine
- Indigestion-Digestive disturbance
- FMD (Foot and Mouth Disease)
Treatment of FMD Cows in Gokulamgoshala, Vengad,GuruvayoorDevasvom,Kerala
There was an FMD outbreak on the Gokulamgoshala , starting from 1/01/2013
- 798 cows affected in Gokulamgoshala ,Vengad
- Complete restriction on touching the tongue of the affected animal for any purpose.
- Administration of medicine by spraying on muzzle and mouth.
- Medicines selected based on common and individual symptoms.
- Availability of green grass assured since they were averse to dry fodder.
- Animals that were not showing symptoms were given remedies as prophylactic.
• All the mulch animals returned to normal lactation in 10 days. Surpisingly there was an increase in yield in certain cows.
• Excepting a 15 day old calf there was no death reported among the infected animals.
• In a month’s time all animals returned to normal.
• Hair coat of the animals after recovery were surprisingly glossy.
• During the recent outbreak in Kerala none of the animals in Gokulam were infected.
Advantages of using Homeopathy
- Cost effectiveness
- Controls development of resistant strains
- Favours production of safe produce-Homeopathy is the treatment preferred for organic food produce.
- Easy administration of medicines .No needle pricks needed.
This short article is to inform all, either keeping or treating cows, that Homeopathy is a system of medicine that cures, in a more Humane way, various animal ailments.
Other diseases mentioned above have also been successfully cured, with the lords grace and with Homeopathy!
Deviation from Traditional Occupations leads to Ugra Karma and Varna Sankara :
- By HG Srinatha Das
When we deviate for traditional occupations, as we have done so on a massive scale since the days of the Industrial Revolutionin Europe some 200 years ago, we open the doors to all types of disorders and irregularities both intimately connected with ugra karma and Varna-sankara. Such nasty, dehumanizing work we especially find in factory work and in the externally attractive allurements of computer software occupations. Both lead to all types of social anomalies and unregulated life style. Such non-traditional occupations are the root cause of increasing stress, strokes and heart attacks among a population of relatively young people, a phenomenon not seen before.
For the vast majority of householders, including ISKCON householders not engaged in Frontline preaching in our cities, agriculture related activities are meant to be the norm where one is intimately connected with nature, the land , cows and living based on principles of self sufficiency and sustainability . These are all clearly explained in the instructions given by Narada Muni (SB 7:11-15 chapters)
Golden Rules to Follow:
Produce only what you need and use only what you produce
Agriculture , not industry is meant to be the norm for society.
An agrarian lifestyle , not an urban lifestyle, is meant to be the norm and standard for the vast majority of citizens, including devotees.
Education is not everyone’s right, it is a privilege accorded to those who qualify and are deserving.
Ref : –Towards A Global Varnasrama Culture-Chapter-3-Killing the higher principles of Life – Page No- 55
For inquiries or suggestions, please write to idvm.newsletter@gmail.com